

A winning mix of design and analytical skills and a deep experience in rapid deploymentthe support of an electronic laboratory equipped with powerful instrumentation that allows the Project Management Team to design “tailor-made” solutions for the most varied fields of application.

Stimulated by specific orders received from the external market, more and more demanding and with a high degree of difficulty, Multicom has acquired a strong “Problem Solving” mentality which is able to provide adaptable solutions to every need.

For the various departments of Multicom  each new technological challenge is an opportunity for professional growth and enrichment.

The 360 ​​° vision of the problems allows to evaluate the best strategies and the best hardware / software tools to guarantee an excellent final result in compliance with the constraints of current regulations.

Thanks to the experience gained "in the field" in many years of activity for Multicom is possible to prevent problems and respond to needs well in advance and efficiently. The constant monitoring of our systems allows us to deal with anomalies and failures with targeted interventions in time very fast.


Multicom provides telephone support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Il numero di reperibilità garantisce non solo assistenza telefonica immediata e tempestiva ma anche, ove occorre, assistenza in loco grazie ad una rete operativa dislocata territorialmente ed in grado di supportare le realtà operative con tempestività di intervento per consentire la continuità del servizio.